Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anee Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet
Born in Northampton, England in 1612. Anne Bradstreet was the daughter of Thomas Dudley and Dorothy Yorke. Dudley let the volunteer soldiers in the English reformation and Elizabethan settlement: Dorothy was a gentle woman and also very educated .

Anne married Simon Bradstreet, a 25 year old assistant at the age of 16. Simon was the son of a puritan mimister. simon had been under the care of the Dudley since the death of his father. Anne and her family emigrated to America in 1630. They did so on the Arabella, one of the first ships to bring puritans to New England, hoping to set up plantation colonies. Anne was not prepared for a troublesome travel, and found it very difficult. Anne was Afflicted with smallpox but despite this she made a home for her husband and her 8 children.

Anne Bradstreet was very poetic and began to write using her family and her experiences for inspiration. She kept her works very private for it was frowned upon for women to expose their intellect and opinions. Her brother_in _law latter went back to England to publish her works with out her permission.

This poetess had a strong love for both God and her husband. After being afflicted with many ailments, the poetess ended up loosing her life to tuberculoses and died at the age of 60 on September,16 1672.

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