Wednesday, September 17, 2008

extra credit poem (took forever to read)

Never has one been abased so
with all personal worth abated
how can a community pass judgment
on bias information
imminently on such an abstruse situation.
leaving one feeling trapped in an abyss
leaving my acuity in shreds
leaving a strain
between the people and I

Lacking alacrity when invited to various places
like an alchemist realizing there is not a way
to turn metal to gold
lacking flexibility in time
opposite an amenable alloy
tasting the antipathy from the community
result of various press releases
appended by the many facetious pictures.

Slinking slowly into an ascetic life style
with a blighted reputation
forgetting too many a buoyant expression
which indeed betokens depression
press insists that my benign attitude
regarding my benevolence
towards enemies are an augury or forewarn
sign of becoming an austere leader
brimming with audacity

My agenda only includes an auspicious affinity with my community
and to ascend in the minds of those who've spawned me
an arduous task indeed
but surely i will make it trough
but for tonight a balm is in order!!!

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